Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux archival

2004-06-10 20:25
So, as many of you may have noticed, Acid Reflux (the website) went down. Well, Acid Reflux (the comic) went down as well, but for different reasons.

So here's the scoop: Acid Reflux is dead, due to Emily having moved on. I, David, who was the person maintaining the website, have acquired permission to resurrect the archives so people can still enjoy the goodness that is Acid Reflux.

If I learn anything new, I'll be sure to let you know.

I'm afraid that this resurrection will be subjecting you to new and in-progress site designs. Please bear with me. If you want to comment on these things, do so either on the forum or by emailing me. Put something like "Acid Reflux Website" in the title of emails, or they're liable to get deleted on a subconscious level as spam.
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